
I'm a Software Developer and a Daydreamer.

Let's make the world a better place, shall we?

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Things that I've been doing

Image of Fit Project


A web and mobile solution for gyms and fitness centers. Includes a website, a mobile website and an Android app.

Ruby on Rails, Android, HTML, CSS, Javascript

Image of Eco-Efficiency Portal

Eco-Efficiency Portal

A Joomla-based platform that collects consumptions and supports decisions to make municipal buildings more efficient and greener.

Joomla, PHP, MySQL, HTML, CSS, Javascript

Image of Kamstrup Project

Kamstrup SRS

A mobile application prototype for a geographic information system (GIS) to assist Kamstrup operators finding and reading wireless meters.

Android, Java, SQLite, Google Maps API

Image of Cloud Video Project


A personal video-on-demand application to upload videos and play them anywere.

Node.js, Express.js, MongoDB, Handlebars.js, Socket.io, Passport.js, FFMPEG, Bootstrap

Image of mxfSPEEDRAIL Mobile Project


Master's dissertation. An interface prototype for a video ingesting tool aiming to make it suitable both for desktops and tablets.

HTML, CSS, Javascript, Backbone.js, User Centered Design

PDF Wiki
Image of The Next Big Thing

Let's make it real!

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Who's this guy?

I'm a software developer with a particular interest on web development and interaction design. Despite these preferences, I like to see myself as a technology agnostic and a versatile person: technology is constantly changing, and so is the world, and so are we.

I like challenges, I like getting into them. There is nothing more pleasurable than those "ah-a!" moments when you embrace a challenge or defy the status-quo. I like to see things from different perspectives. An open mind is an empowered mind and minds are stretched by new ideas. I also like to push myself outside the comfort zone. I solemnly believe that there is magic there. As one can see, I like a lot of things. But most of all, I like to make the difference.

Oh! And I worship cheesecake and the Holstee Manifesto.

Here, take my CV with you

Let's have a coffee!

I like talking. Whether it's about a project or to discuss the philosophical questions behind the universe, just drop me a line and we'll figure it out.

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